Capital Infrastructure Projects
Capital Facilities and Maintenance (CFM) Program
We provide funding and advice to help Yukon and Northern B.C. Indian Act First Nations deliver and maintain community infrastructure. Through the Capital Facilities and Maintenance Program, we support the construction, renovation and planning of new infrastructure. Funds are also available to operate and maintain existing infrastructure.
We invest in three main areas:
- Housing
- Water and wastewater systems
- Other infrastructure (roads and bridges, fire protection, electrification, community facilities etc).
We provide two kinds of funding in the Yukon region:
- Operations and maintenance,
- Minor capital (for projects under $1.5 million)
Some funding is annual and based on population, while other funding is project-specific. First Nations develop a 5-year capital plan for their community. They set their own priorities and request funding based on this plan.
Who is Eligible?
Indian Act First Nations in Yukon region are eligible to access this funding:
- White River First Nation
- Liard First Nation
- Ross River Dena Council
- Daylu Dena Council
- Dease River First Nation
- Taku River Tlingit First Nation